Yoga Pradipika
The Online Resource of Yoga Philosophy and Practice
Yoga Sutra
Samadhi Pada
Sutra 1.31
दुःख दौर्मनस्याङ्गमेजयत्व श्वासप्रश्वासा विक्षेप सहभुवः
duḥkha-daurmanasya-aṅgamejayatva-śvāsapraśvāsāḥ vikṣepa sahabhuvaḥ
The simultaneous experience along with the distractions are the pain, mental agitation, tremor of limbs and irregular breathing.
duḥkha= pain, suffering
daurmanasya= mental agitation, imbalance
aṅgamejayatva= tremor of limbs
śvāsa praśvāsāḥ = irregular breathing
vikṣepa = distractions
sahabhuvaḥ= simultaneous experience
The previous Sutra lists the obstacles of Samadhi which are the distractions of mind due to disease, dullness, doubt, etc. The distractions always accompany with the pain of the body as well as the mind, mental agitation, tremor of the limbs and irregular breathing. Obstacles are not limited to the list of nine explained already. In addition to those, dukkha and others come along.
We have seen that disease, dullness, doubt, negligence, lethargy, imaginary ideation, inability to reach the milestone and instability are the nine obstacles. Diseases always accompany with pain and suffering of mind and body. Lack of interest or dullness, doubt, false idea and negligence lead one to instability in the path of yoga. The result is the inability to reach the milestone which is accompanied by mental agitation. Because of mental agitation, irregular breathing and tremor of limbs are experienced. The obstacles are always mutually inclusive.
Commentary by Maharishi Vyasha
Pain, despondency, unsteadiness of the body, inspiration and expiration are the accompaniments of distractions.
All living beings, being struck with the pain initiated by spiritual beings (Adiatmika), terrestrial causes (Adibautika) and heavenly causes (Adidaivika) tend to escape from them. Despondency is the agitation of the mind due to non-fulfilment of a certain desire. Unsteady of the body makes the limbs tremble. Inspiration is the breathing in the outside air. Expiration is breathing out the abdominal air. These accompany the distractions. It occurs in one whose mind is distracted. It does not occur to those whose minds are concentrated.
Commentary by Swami Vivekananda
Grief, mental distress, tremor of the body and irregular breathing, accompany non-retention of concentration
Concentration will bring perfect repose to the mind and body every time it is practised. When the practice has been misdirected, or not enough controlled, these disturbances come. Repetition of Om and self-surrender to the Lord will strengthen the mind, and bring fresh energy. The nervous shakings will come to almost everyone. Do not mind them at all, but keep on practising. Practice will cure them, and make the seat firm.
Commentary by Sri Osho
These are the symptoms. Anguish: always anxiety-ridden, always split, always an anxious mind, always sad, in despair, subtle tremors in the body energy, because when the body energy is not running in a circle you have subtle tremors, a trembling, fear and irregular breathing. Then your breathing cannot be rhythmic. It cannot be a song; it cannot be a harmony. An irregular breathing...
These are the symptoms of a distracted mind, and against these are the symptoms of a mind who is centred. The chanting of Aum will make you centered. Your breathing will become rhythmic. Your tremors in the body will disappear; you will not be nervous. Sadness will be replaced by a happy feeling, a joy, a subtle blissfulness on your face, for no reason at all. Simply happy you are: just being here you are happy; just breathing you are happy. You don’t demand much, and instead of anguish, there will be bliss.